The Art of Rising Above Yourself  Compassion and kindness towards all living beings play a major role in helping one live a life of highest quality.  Let me to share an ancient story of The King Of Elephants And A Rabbit. Once a terrible forest fire broke out and all the animals went running to … Continue reading COMPASSION

10 Things – To Avoid Depression, Anxiety & Fear.

Since the onset of Covid-19 several reports have indicated a worsening of mental health issues among individuals across age groups. It seems like as we learn to deal with the Corona Virus Pandemic, we are heading towards a possible mental health epidemic. A study in 2017 revealed that the country that is most affected with … Continue reading 10 Things – To Avoid Depression, Anxiety & Fear.


CREATE THE ACTION BIAS - by using Darshn-Gyan-Charitra It fascinates me to keep drawing the pearls of wisdom from ancient scriptures to address the challenges that we experience in our pursuit to attain emotional balance, achieve mental stability, stay physically fit and grow spiritually. SAMYAG DARSHAN - GYAN - CHARITRANI MOKSHA-MARGAH. This is a universal … Continue reading CREATE THE ACTION BIAS


Often, we come across people who create new year resolutions and fail to achieve them. And it happens year after year after year. WHY DO YOUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS FAIL?(Source: Pexels) The reasons could be many: Lack of a concrete planInability to take actionsPoor follow ups andProcrastination But try to understand what is happening in … Continue reading WHY DO YOUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS FAIL?

Commitment Versus Interest – Decide What You Want In Life

“There is a huge difference between commitment and interest. You are interested in something, you would only do it at your convenience. However, if you are committed, you would accept no excuses; just results.” Rahul Kapoor If you are committed towards something, you will surely find a way to do it. Commitment means dedication, means … Continue reading Commitment Versus Interest – Decide What You Want In Life